Belden Brilliance CompositeCamera Cable Is Designed forSDI/HDTV Video in ENG andEFP Applications
Belden Brilliance 1347A Audio/Video CompositeCamera cable is ideal for the interconnectionof digital remote field cameras. 1347A isa round, smooth composite cable that iscomprised of two industry leading cables:Belden RG-59 Type SDI coaxes (P/N 1505A)and Belden single-pair coaxes for audio andpower applications (P/N 9451). This rugged,yet flexible, new cable is appropriate for liveor recorded on-site news reporting (ENG, orElectronic News Gathering). It is also appropriatefor EFP (Electronic Field Production),or the on-site recording of videos producedfor companies or private enterprises(i.e., advertisements or training films).
Superior Cable ConstructionMeans Superior Performance
The two 1505A RG-59 Type SDI coaxesin this composite cable construction feature20 AWG solid .032" bare copper conductors,gas-injected foam polyethylene insulation,Duofoil plus tinned copper braid shields for95% shield coverage and Black and WhitePVC jackets. These coaxes have been sweeptested from 5-1600 MHz and 1600-4500MHz, achieving minimum Return Lossvalues of 23dB and 21dB, respectively.
The four 9451 single twisted pairaudio/power coaxes are comprised oftwo 22 AWG stranded (7x30") tinnedcopper conductors, crush-resistantpolypropylene insulation, overall Beldfoilshields for 100% coverage, 22 AWGstranded drain wire and a Matte Blackoverall PVC jacket. The pair jacketsare brown/red and orange/yellow.
Outstanding Installer Benefits
Pulling and termination of the newcomposite is especially easy sincethe cable is extremely flexible - evenin low temperatures. Each coax is colorcodedfor easy channel identificationand the each of the coax pairs havea Beldfoil® shield bonded to its crushresistantpolypropylene insulation forease of termination. Installers can alsouse industry-standard BNC connectors.